The Journey of Life

Monday, April 16, 2007

First day of School...after 6 years.

Hi everyone, today is my first day of school after 6 years out of the mainstream education system. I have to admit, every thing feels so weird and alien to me. I felt like running back to my deer deer for comfort.

I am already starting to miss the days when i would see a cheerful( she tries her best to be) Dear Dear often. When i was a full timer at Popular, i can go for lunch and/or dinner with my Dear almost every day, i can talk to her bout anything, i can have someone comfort me when i am down. I dont feel uncomfortable around her. Now i can only see her once or twice a week. :(

Re-integration into School: Its hard when you are the oldest in your class( and no 1 on a class register that goes by the IC number). The next oldest guy is 5 years younger. So is the rest of the class. Haiz and i am not exactly the most expressive or talkative person by today's standards. AND being in a progression class, most of my class are FROM ITE Bishan. Which means they have their own cliques and friends already. That is a new situation for me. I am not fretting too much over it though. I will let nature run its course. Being older, i sure know how to do that. I just felt a discomfort the type you feel when you are trying to know someone or when you are new. Didnt feel that in a year already. Strange feeling.

My class in ITE Bishan has only 5 guys to a class of 34 or 35. Outnumbered by girls 6 to 1 if you counted. Ha ha. I am still getting to know the people there. Guys are a rare commodity there. I am completely focused on getting to Poly though. I will work very hard for it. I guarantee that. At the grand age of 23 i cannot be fooling around with my studies anymore. Because if i miss this chance and fail, there is NEVER going to be a THIRD chance. EVER.

Today is the day when our store staff will count their stock in preparation for their stocktake tmr. I wonder how my ger is doing. When i went back to fetch my keys this afternoon(which i left at her place), she was counting. Now at 10.15 pm, she is still counting. My poor deer.

I have to go and get prepared for the second day in school tomorrow. Hope some kind of progress is made tomorrow.


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